Martina Lodigiani
Area Ghiacciai e Alta Montagna
Fondazione Montagna Sicura – Montagne sûre
Martina Lodigiani was born in 1995 in Vigevano (PV), northern Italy. In July 2018 she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering, with a thesis on the analysis of the link budget of a satellite communication link at K band in polar environment (SNOWBEAR project by ESA) at the Microwave Laboratory of the University of Pavia. She continued her academic journey at the University of Pavia, completing her Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering – Space Communication and Sensing in November 2020 with honors. She presented a thesis on radar systems for Arctic snow cover monitoring, done in collaboration with the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) of Helsinki and Sodankylä, in the framework of an Erasmus+ internship program. After that, from November 2020, Martina continues as a Ph.D. student at the Microwave Laboratory of the University of Pavia, focusing on enhancing a radar system for snowpack and glacier monitoring. In winter 2022/2023, she was a Guest Researcher at the Nano Group of the Universitetet i Oslo (UiO), working with a UWB radar module by Novelda for snowpack monitoring. Finally, on March 2024 she earned the Ph.D. title with the thesis Microwave Radar System for Cryosphere Monitoring. Between the end of the Ph.D. course (Oct. 2023) and the thesis dissertation, she concludes her researches at the Microwave Lab as a Post-Doc Researcher. She worked as a Ground Segment System Engineer at Leaf Space S.p.a. in Lomazzo (CO) for a period and now she is a responsible for technical activities and research in the field of computer applications in the territorial domain at Fondazione Montagna Sicura – Montagne sûre in Courmayeur (AO).
Apart from the academic experience, Martina became a certified Snow Observer by AINEVA on May 9, 2023, after a long theoretical and practical course. She also serves as a student representative in the PhD board of the PhD school in Electronic, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering, and is a member of the Quality board for the same PhD school. Previously, she chaired the student association PESB – Pavia Engineering Student Branch and served as the treasurer of the IEEE Student Branch Pavia until September 2023. She has been Tutor of “Circuiti Elettrici Lineari” for BS student in Electronic and Computer Engineering of the University of Pavia.